
How to Shoot a Killer Testimonial Video: Tips and Examples

Are you ready to shoot the *perfect* testimonial video every time?

I hope so because today, I’m about to spill all the secrets to help you shoot killer testimonial videos.

If you’re ready, let’s go! 

What is a testimonial video, and why are they so popular right now?

Brands LOVE testimonial videos, as do audiences–that’s a fact. But why? 

There are several reasons, actually:

  • They increase trust. Brands love customer testimonial videos because buyers are more likely to trust a brand enough to purchase if they see a review from a real person.
  • They make pain points more real. Hearing a real person talk about their experience using a product helps potential customers understand how it might help them.
  • They provide social proof. “Social proof” is a fancy marketing term that means, “When humans see other people doing or liking something, they’re more likely to feel comfortable doing or liking it themselves.” 

I could go on, but you get the point. People LOVE seeing real users talk about their experience with a brand, so they don’t have to spend their own money to find out if the product is worth it. And brands love that people are likelier to buy from them once they see your review!

So, let’s talk about how you can film THE BEST testimonial videos–to make brands salivate over the sales you’ll create for them! 💥

Planning your testimonial video

You might think you should just sit in front of the camera and deliver your raw, honest thoughts on a product. While you *may* be able to do this if you’re super experienced, most of the time, your video will be LOADS better if you take the time to prepare. 

So, in this section, we’ll discuss precisely HOW to prepare to film your testimonial video!

Choose products that genuinely made an impact on you

This might seem a little obvious, but it’s worth including. Only make testimonial videos for products you used and liked.

Creators who genuinely enjoy the product they’re reviewing make the best testimonials. Period.

You don’t have to use it for a year, but make sure you give it a few days (or weeks, if the product requires it) to get a good feel for how you use it and how you like it.

If you don’t like a product, that’s perfectly fine. Just discuss it with the brand. They will understand. You may need to return the product, but it’s better than creating a video where your heart isn’t in it–you don’t need a brand to give you a bad rap because you didn’t make a great video for them. 

Write down your talking points

Before filming, jot down a small script and include all the talking points you want to cover. You can talk about things like:

  • Your impressions during the unboxing experience
  • Initial impressions of the product
  • What it was like using it
  • The benefits you observed in your own life

Keep it simple and genuine–this is what matters.

Sometimes, the brand will provide you with talking points or a small script. Even in these cases, make sure you are super familiar with them and have them somewhere you can see them when you start filming. 

Set up the filming environment

Here are my tips:

  • Choose a well-lit location. Ideally, you want natural light or soft artificial lighting.

    Your lighting makes a HUGE impact on the quality of your videos, so pay attention to it. If you don’t have natural lighting, head to Amazon and get some lights for filming.
  • Choose somewhere without distractions and background noise. If you have roommates or pets, you probably won’t want to film in your living room.

    Instead, choose a quiet corner of your bedroom, set up your filming equipment, and make sure your voice and video are as clear as possible. 

It can be trickier to find a quiet place if the brand wants you to film outside your home–at the beach, for example, or on the street. It can also be more challenging if you have a crowded living space. 

In those cases, do what you can to create a quiet, well-lit area and film from there. You may have to get up early to avoid unnecessary noise or pick a day with less activity. 

How to film a testimonial video

Okay, now that you have your video planned and your filming environment set up, it’s time to film! Here’s what you need to know:

Camera setup and angles

You don’t need an expensive camera to film a testimonial video, but the camera you use does need to be able to shoot video with a good resolution.

The good news? Most recent iPhones or Samsung models will work just fine. 

So grab your phone or camera and stabilize it with a tripod. If you don’t have a tripod, it’s worth picking one up on Amazon–to guarantee your video isn’t shaky.

Then, experiment with filming from different angles to see where you get the most out of the product. Which angles give you the best shots? Have fun and play around with it. You’ll probably get some bomb footage.


Having excellent audio is a must–after all, who will want to listen if your audio is faint or crackly?

So, make sure you have a high-quality microphone. Consider using lavalier or shotgun mics to zero in on your voice.

Oh–and I mentioned this already, but avoid background noise at all costs. Nothing can stink your testimonial video faster.

Storytelling and demonstration

Here’s how to make your testimonial video shine:

Structure it right

Most high-performing testimonial videos follow this format:

  • HookDo something to hook the viewer’s attention. This might mean asking a probing question, creating some mystery, or mentioning briefly the fantastic changes you’re seeing.
  • Intro–Introduce yourself and the product. And I don’t mean “Say your name and where you’re from” or something like that. No–honestly, you don’t have to say your name. People don’t care about that; they care about why you are interested in the product. They want to know if you’re like them or experiencing the same problems they are.
  • Body–This is the part where you present the talking points you wrote earlier or share the script the brand gave you. It’s the meat of the video and will probably take the most time.
  • Conclusion–You want to wrap it up in a nice little bow. Summarize your main talking points, and give a call to action like “check out [brand name]” or “use my discount code for 10% off your first purchase!”

Include personal touches

The best testimonial videos are authentic, so include some personal touches. Tell a joke, show how you feel about the product, or provide glimpses into your life and home to keep people watching.

You can also encourage people to leave comments and ask questions about the product. Even if you aren’t posting the video on your social media and won’t be able to respond, this provides further opportunities for the brand to connect with customers personally.

Demonstrate the product

This 👏 is 👏 important! 

Don’t just tell people how much you love the product; show them how you use it. Include close-up shots so they can experience it.

One tip: Talking about or showing a minor flaw you’d like to see improved can increase your credibility and make people trust your testimonial video even more. Make sure you check with the brand and see if this is okay, though, because not every brand will love that idea.

Don’t skip post-production

Once you’ve filmed everything, edit your video and include just the juiciest parts.

You can also add captions and music–this will make your video more watchable and engaging–but MAKE SURE your client is paying for those before you do. Adding those things is extra work; you should get paid for it.

Killer testimonial video examples

If you’re wondering what a killer testimonial video template looks like, wonder no more! I’m here to give you a masterclass with video testimonial examples that are super effective and engaging. 

(You’re welcome)

Testimonial video example #1 | Makeup 💄

TikTok video link–Skyler Reneee 👋

Watch this video and notice a few things:

  • First, she starts with an attention-getting statement that IMMEDIATELY tells people whether or not they’ll be interested in what she’s about to say.
  • Second, she does a fantastic job SHOWING what the product looks like and giving examples.
  • Third, you almost don’t notice it, but she mentions several benefits of the product in a concise, engaging way: It’s the perfect pinky nude shade, it’s affordable, it comes in two finishes, etc.
  • Finally, she wraps up the video with a simple call-to-action to start a conversation around the product.

Testimonial video example #2 | Home decor 🛏️

Instagram video link–Madison Charney 👋

Watch this video and notice a few things:

  • First, even though this is a testimonial video, she starts with eye-catching visuals and makes it about what the person watching the video can get.
  • Second, she introduces herself just enough to help the audience relate to and trust that she knows what she’s talking about regarding sleep! 
  • Finally, in the caption, she has some extra thoughts about the brand, which allowed her to keep the narrative of her video tighter–you don’t have to talk about EVERYTHING in the video.

Testimonial video example #3 | Wellness

Watch this video and notice a few things:

  • The problem-solution approach of the testimonial

Testimonial video example #4 | Health & Wellness

Watch this video and notice a few things:

  • The way this creator talks about the features and benefits of this product


So, after all that, here’s how you create a testimonial video to make brands love you even more than they already do:

  • Plan it out
  • SHOW the product from a lot of angles and in different environments
  • Use engaging storytelling
  • Share YOUR experience

Of course, you’ll also want to use high-quality filming equipment and talk about products you genuinely love. Keep those tips in mind, and success should follow.

If you’ve tried these tips in your own testimonial video production, let me know how it went in the comments! ⬇️

Further reading

Picture of Kirk Axley
Kirk Axley
Max Axley is the founder of The UGC Club. With nearly 10 years of digital marketing experience he set out to create a community that helped UGC creators learn the ropes (without having to spend a penny).