
How to Go Viral on TikTok: A Guide for Brands & Creators 

You probably didn’t start a TikTok account to have it languishing with just a few views. If you’re looking for how to go viral on TikTok (whether you’re working directly for a brand or yourself), this article is for you!

The bad news: I don’t have one big secret to guarantee your video goes viral. (But then, if I did, you probably shouldn’t trust a word I say)

The good news is that going viral on TikTok is possible if you’re smart about it and willing to play the long game. 

Let’s start by investigating how the TikTok algorithm works. 🔎

How does the TikTok algorithm work?

Before we get too specific, you need to know that TikTok calls its algorithm a “recommendation system.” While the code for their recommendation system is proprietary, it’s a very similar concept to other social media platforms, where they use a variety of factors to decide which video will–and will not–get more exposure in people’s For You pages. 

The unique thing about TikTok is that every user gets a specially curated feed. As far as we know, what your friends are watching doesn’t affect your TikTok recommendations–which is quite different from Meta platforms, for example, and might be part of why it’s so addicting. 

So, if TikTok isn’t paying attention to what your friends are watching, what ARE they paying attention to? Great question! Here’s the answer, at least according to what I could find:


You know what engagement is from other platforms–shares, saves, likes, comments. It’s anything that means someone is interacting with your content. But the most crucial engagement metric on TikTok is something you might not have thought about before:

It’s called watch time. 

The more time you spend watching a video (or a specific kind of video), the more TikTok will send you videos like that in your feed. They assume you’re interested in that topic, so they’ll give you more. 

It’s worth keeping in mind–if you can figure out the kind of content that people in your niche like to watch and watch again, there’s a chance that you’ll be able to create videos with TONS of engagement that end up going viral. 

While engagement (and watch time in particular) are some of the most critical factors determining your post’s performance on TikTok, there are a few other things to remember. Let’s look at those next. 

Video information

The information on or in your video can also help TikTok place it on the For You page. They’re primarily paying attention to your caption, hashtags, the trending topics that people are searching on TikTok, and what sounds you’ve used. 

So, if you’ve ever wondered if it *really* matters if you use trending sounds and hashtags on TikTok–yes, it does. It can help TikTok place your video with the right viewers, who will engage with it and increase its chances of going viral. 

Device and account settings

To be honest with you, this one doesn’t matter *too* much. But TikTok does say that it considers language, location, and type of device being used when selecting which videos for people’s For You pages. It’s not super helpful most of the time, but it’s good to know.

My top 3 strategies to go viral on TikTok in 2024

Okay, so now that you know how the algorithm works, it’s time to talk about how to make a viral video on TikTok. I’ve compiled my top 3 strategies that leverage how the algorithm works to help bring more visibility to your account. These are high-level ideas: in the next section, we’ll discuss practical tips, so keep reading for those! 

Strategy #1: Jump on current trends

If you notice a trending sound or video format, take a minute to think about how it relates to your brand. Can you duplicate it in a way that brings attention to your niche? 

For example, as I’m researching this article, there’s the “ask me on a deeper level” slideshow trend, where you share your thoughts on a deep level about something important to you. Tons of people talk about mental health and releasing childhood traumas, but you can also keep it lighter, like in this video about Christmas music

When you jump on a trend, include relevant hashtags in your caption and use the sound everyone else uses for the trend. Otherwise, TikTok may not know you’re participating & will be less likely to show your video.

Strategy #2: Generate controversy

Okay, if you’re like me, the THOUGHT of doing this is a little scary. And it’s certainly not for the faint of heart, but here’s why I think you should consider it anyway: 

Controversy sparks debate. Debate sparks engagement and views. Engagement and watch time are how you go viral.

So, the more controversial your take, the better your chances of going viral on TikTok.

One great way to do this is to find a norm or trend in society that you disagree with and talk about that. The more popular the idea or norm is, the more controversy you’ll generate. 

One great example would be global warming—most people agree that it’s an issue and are concerned about it. Remember, this is just an example–you must pick something relevant to your niche, and I’m NOT recommending you promote conspiracy theories to go viral. 

But think about it this way: if you’re in the fashion niche, you could make some pretty controversial content about your industry’s current attitudes toward global warming or the accepted wisdom on how to fight it. Maybe you believe vegan leather isn’t better at stopping global warming than regular leather. Perhaps you’ve done your research and decided that using recycled materials in clothing is less important than watching the amount of water used or toxins produced. Do your research, and create content that makes people think, debate, and watch your video. 

You probably didn’t expect me to say, “Here’s how to go viral on TikTok overnight: be controversial!” But it’s a legitimate strategy many big names have used to get to where they are. You just have to decide if it’s right for you. 

But, let’s be honest–you could say even innocuous things, and if you’re famous enough or the right person sees your video, they’ll make it into a controversy. If you have to deal with the haters, you might as well choose why you’re dealing with them.

Strategy #3: Experiment!

Of course, some videos that go viral on TikTok aren’t reactive. Instead, they’re the result of careful testing and experimentation over time. And when it happens, the creator has made something unique that everyone else is DYING to copy. 

Here’s a little secret: going viral doesn’t happen by accident. 

If you want to know how to make your video go viral on TikTok, you have to start with what’s working, use that–and get rid of the rest. Keep experimenting until you find something people can’t help watching, rewatching, and sending to their friends. That’s when you’ll have found a completely original winner. 

Tips for how to make your video go viral on TikTok

Listen, I stand by the strategies we just discussed above. But how are you supposed to put them into practice? Here are my best tips for creating viral TikToks.

Hook them in less than 3 seconds

This one’s so obvious I almost didn’t include it. But I reconsidered because you’d be surprised how many people DON’T hook their viewers fast enough.

You have 3 seconds (sometimes less) to grab people’s attention and keep them watching your content. If you can’t do that, making your video go viral on TikTok will be tough. 

So, if you’re looking for a good short hook, here are some great places to start:

Urgent questions. Ask people a question that speaks deeply to their needs. For example:

  • If you’re selling supplements, a good question might be, “Do you feel tired all day? Are you sure you’re getting all the necessary vitamins to keep your energy up?”
  • If you’re selling home fitness equipment, a good question might be, “Are you tired of waiting for the elliptical at the gym?”
  • If you’re selling a subscription box, a good question might be, “What if I told you you don’t have to shop for groceries every week?” or “Wish you could hire a personal stylist but not sure it fits your budget?”

Intriguing statements. Do your best to make them keep watching because they NEED to know what happens next. For example, if you start an unboxing video with a comment like, “You’ll never believe what they sent me!” That’s a pretty good way to get people’s attention. 

Random antics. Of course, somersaulting into the screen or starting the video in a tree will catch people’s eye. Just make sure whatever crazy stunt you pull fits with your brand and quickly transitions into whatever the video is about. 

Keep it under 15 seconds

On TikTok, the shorter the video is, the better. Don’t waste time getting to the point–say what you’re there to say in the most entertaining way possible, then get out. 

If you want your video to go viral, you’ll generally want to keep it below 15 seconds–those clips do best.

Use storytelling elements

Everyone loves a good story–so ask yourself, “Does this video tell a story?”

If you’re talking about a new pillow that supports you when you sleep on your side, you could start with a hook, discuss the product features, and then get out. 

But what if you reworded those talking points to be a story about how you went from struggling to sleep to getting eight solid hours per night?

Which concept is more compelling?

The one with the story! It makes what you’re talking about come to life and much more likely to go viral! 

So, with every video you make, practice telling a story. Ask yourself:

  • What’s my journey with this topic?
  • What struggle did I overcome?
  • Do I have a fun story that relates to this?
  • What specific details can bring this to life? 

Don’t get carried away when you’re telling a story. Keep it short. But if you plan your video out, you’d be surprised how much you can fit into 15 seconds. 

Ask for engagement

Listen, we all know that the TikTok algorithm rewards engagement. So ask people to comment, like, or share at the end of your video. When they respond, your video will get a little boost. 

How often should you post on TikTok to go viral?

I wish I could give you a number here–but I can’t. There’s no magic number of posts that will make you go viral on TikTok. And, if you’re trying to figure out how to go viral on TikTok without followers, picking a schedule that allows you to be consistent AND start building a following will be key. 

About 2x per week is a great place to start. You can always post more later. 

So, just like I’ve advised in other articles, make sure you’re posting consistently. Give yourself enough time to be strategic by jumping on trends and telling stories. Hone your videography skills and continue to figure out how to make short, compelling TikToks. Eventually, it will pay off. 

Final thoughts: Why do you want to make a video viral on TikTok?

As I wrap up this article, I’m feeling conflicted. I’ve given you a solid plan that you can use to work toward getting a TikTok video to go viral, but I don’t think that’s really where most brands or creators should be focusing their energy. It’s not easy to make something go viral, and I’m worried that focusing on creating viral videos will make you more easily discouraged when you aren’t seeing the views you’re hoping for. 

Here’s the thing–it may seem like viral videos just happen spontaneously, but most of the time, they result from TONS of testing and background work. If that weren’t the case, people wouldn’t find it so hard to go viral in the first place. 

So, instead of figuring out how to go viral on TikTok, I’d focus on creating a community that LOVES your content. If you can do that, you’ll be able to monetize it for years–unlike a viral video, which won’t do you any good if you can’t replicate it. 

But, at the end of the day, I know a LOT of you are facing pressure from bosses or clients who want to know how to go viral on TikTok. So here’s my best plan for that: Be strategic, work WITH the TikTok algorithm instead of against it, and make sure you’re creating BOMB videos. 💣

And then, be patient–going viral will only happen when you’ve created the proper conditions for it. 

Further reading

Picture of Kirk Axley
Kirk Axley
Max Axley is the founder of The UGC Club. With nearly 10 years of digital marketing experience he set out to create a community that helped UGC creators learn the ropes (without having to spend a penny).

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