
How to Create Effective UGC Reviews as a Content Creator

How to Create Effective UGC Reviews as a Content Creator

As a UGC creator, you can make several types of UGC content, but one of the most effective is UGC reviews.

We’ll discuss why in a minute, but suffice it to say that UGC reviews are essential for content creators who want to create high-performing content that keeps brands returning for more. 

By the end of this blog post, you will understand the importance of UGC reviews and learn how to create compelling reviews. We will cover everything from choosing the right platforms to structuring your reviews for maximum impact. Let’s go! 🎉

Understanding the Importance of UGC Reviews

UGC reviews are powerful because they come directly from customers, adding authenticity and credibility to a company’s marketing efforts. Unlike traditional marketing methods, UGC allows potential customers to see real-life experiences with a product or service. This can significantly influence purchasing decisions and foster a sense of community.

As a content creator, UGC reviews will often be your bread and butter. If you can nail reviews, you’ll be well-equipped to create UGC videos that perform well in ads and drive community growth and engagement for your clients.

For example, consider a beauty influencer who shares makeup tutorials and is trying to sell products on comission. By incorporating UGC reviews from their followers who have tried the recommended products, the influencer can provide diverse perspectives and demonstrate the effectiveness of the products in various contexts. This not only enhances the credibility of their recommendations but also encourages more followers to engage and share their experiences. It’s a win for the influencer, the company they’re promoting, and the UGC creators whose work they feature.

Choosing the Right Platforms for UGC Reviews

Selecting the appropriate platforms for collecting and showcasing UGC reviews is crucial for maximizing their impact. Different platforms cater to different audiences and types of content, so choosing those that align with your niche and target audience is essential. Here are some popular platforms to consider:

  • Instagram: Ideal for visually appealing content such as photos and videos. 
  • YouTube: Perfect for detailed video reviews and tutorials. 
  • Facebook: Great for community building and engaging discussions. 
  • Twitter: Useful for quick, concise reviews and real-time interactions. 

For instance, if you are a fitness blogger, Instagram might be the best platform for showcasing recipes using your new favorite protein powder. On the other hand, if you create tech reviews, YouTube could be more suitable for detailed unboxing videos and tutorials.

Structuring Your UGC Reviews for Maximum Impact

The way you structure UGC reviews can significantly influence their effectiveness in engaging your audience and driving conversions. A well-organized review should be easy to understand, informative, and visually appealing. Here are some tips on how to structure your UGC reviews:

  • Start with an Engaging Introduction: Capture the reader’s attention with an interesting anecdote or compelling reason why they should continue reading. This is often called the hook, and if you’re doing a video UGC review, it should last no more than 5 seconds.
  • Highlight Key Features: Focus on the main features or benefits of the product or service being reviewed. If you’re writing your review, use bullet points or numbered lists for clarity. Lists are still helpful if you’re creating a video, but you’ll want to deliver them conversationally.
  • Include Personal Experiences: Share personal stories or experiences related to the product or service. This adds authenticity and relatability.
  • Add Visual Elements: Incorporate photos, b-roll, or infographics to make the review more engaging and visually appealing. 
  • Conclude with a Call-to-Action (CTA): Encourage readers to take action, whether it’s trying the product themselves, using a coupon code, or leaving a comment.

An example of this could be seen in tech review blogs where reviewers often start with an engaging introduction about why they decided to try a particular gadget. They then highlight key features using bullet points, share personal experiences with using the gadget in daily life, include high-quality photos or videos demonstrating its functionality, and conclude with a CTA inviting readers to share their thoughts or purchase the gadget through an affiliate link.

But more often, you’ll see this format in high-performing UGC videos. When you nail your hook, keep your content brief and engaging, and deliver a clear call to action, you have the recipe for a UGC review that performs SUPER well in your clients’ ads.

The Role of Authenticity in UGC Reviews

Authenticity is crucial when it comes to UGC reviews. Audiences can quickly detect insincere or overly promotional content, damaging your credibility as a content creator by making your videos underperform. To ensure authenticity in your UGC reviews, consider these practices:

  • Avoid Overly Promotional Language: Give your honest opinion. Of course, if you have something SUPER negative to say, you might want to run it buy your client first. But assuming you do enjoy the product, there’s nothing wrong with mentioning strengths and weaknesses.
  • Be Transparent About Incentives: If you’re going to post it on your social media accounts, be honest about any incentives you’ve received for reviewing a product so readers understand any potential biases.
  • Edit Sparingly: Filming different angles and cutting between them is no problem, but avoid creating heavily edited user-generated content, as this can make it seem less authentic.

An example is travel blogs, where bloggers feature honest hotel reviews from various travelers rather than just highlighting luxurious stays sponsored by hotels. By including both positive experiences and constructive criticism, their reviews are more well-rounded and trustworthy.

The Impact of Visual Content on UGC Reviews

Visual elements like photos, videos, b-roll, and infographics not only capture people’s attention but also provide tangible proof supporting the claims you’re making in your review. Here’s how you can effectively incorporate visual content into your UGC review strategy. We’re emphasizing what you can include in UGC videos, because let’s be honest–that’s most of the UGC reviews you’ll be asked to make:

  • Use photos and b-roll: If you can, don’t *just* make your video about you talking to the camera. Show yourself using the product. It’ll make what you’re saying much more powerful, and answer a lot of questions people might have about whether or not you’ve actually used it.
  • When appropriate, incorporate infographics: If the product you’re reviewing has a distinct before/after or process that can be documented using an infographic, try to use it in your UGC video. It’ll make explaining complicated concepts much easier.
  • Keep it crisp: Ensure top-notch image quality. Grainy or dimly lit videos are less compelling. 
  • Vary your visuals: Changing expressions, scenes, and moving backgrounds can help keep people watching, so think of how you can add variety to your shots.


If you’re new to the UGC game, do yourself a favor and learn how to make great UGC reviews. Practice with products you already know and love, and use this guide to help you improve your videos. Before long, you’ll be making reviews for amazing products and bringing in some cash, too! 

Further reading

Picture of Kirk Axley
Kirk Axley
Max Axley is the founder of The UGC Club. With nearly 10 years of digital marketing experience he set out to create a community that helped UGC creators learn the ropes (without having to spend a penny).