Fussy UGC job for UK creators

Get Fussy

Fussy Natural Deodorant is on a dedicated eco-friendly mission, aiming to revolutionize the bathroom with a sustainable, refillable deodorant that proudly carries the badges of being vegan and cruelty-free.

At its core, the brand’s motto, “Smell good, do good,” eloquently encapsulates its unwavering commitment to offering products that are not only efficacious but also environmentally responsible. The journey of Fussy commenced as a visionary Kickstarter project in October 2020 and then followed with a visit to Dragons Den (The UK’s answer to shark tank). It rapidly resonated with the hearts and minds of over 8,000 individuals who share their fervor for a greener future.

As a result, Fussy swiftly transformed from an idea into a burgeoning movement. With Fussy, sustainability is not only practical but also aesthetically pleasing, redefining the standards of eco-conscious personal care.

✔ What They Are Looking For

〰️ If you can genuinely convey the essence of “Smell good, do good,” this partnership is meant for you.

〰️ Content that can hit the right note with people who advocate for sustainable living, plastic reduction, and environmentally responsible personal care. If you can inspire an audience to adopt greener choices, Fussy welcomes your voice.

〰️ Fussy deodorants are also intentionally aesthetic. Have you got a funky looking space or bathroom that can complement the retro vibe?

✔ What They Are Not Looking For

〰️ Fussy is resolute in its commitment to authentic sustainability. They do not support content that misrepresents or undermines their eco-friendly efforts.

〰️ International creators. UK only for this opportunity unfortunately.

💻 Current Creative: Fussy’s current creative endeavors focus on showcasing the USP’s of their sustainable, refillable deodorant. The content highlights both its environmental virtues and its efficacy as a deodorant. As UGC Creators you all know that there is 3 elements to master social advertising. Education, Entertainment & Engagement, This brand isn’t diving deep into any of these categories. Why don’t y’all show them how it’s done, respectfully of course!

👣 Contact: Hannah Twigg, Social Media Lead Email[email protected] 

Further reading

Picture of Kirk Axley
Kirk Axley
Max Axley is the founder of The UGC Club. With nearly 10 years of digital marketing experience he set out to create a community that helped UGC creators learn the ropes (without having to spend a penny).

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