UGC Content Creator Invoice

101 Hooks for UGC Content: Hook, Line and Sinker

If you’re a UGC content creator, you know that grabbing — and retaining — attention for your videos is key to producing content that wins. But with so many other creators vying for viewers’ attention on the platform, it can be hard to stand out and create truly compelling content that keeps viewers watching.

At least for long enough to drive the response you’re looking for.

That’s where hooks come in. We’re sharing 101 hooks for UGC content you’ve probably not thought of yet. Watch your thumb-stop and clickthrough rates soar.

Thank us later.

Reminder: What is a hook for UGC content?

💡 UGC Hooks are attention-grabbing elements in your videos that capture viewers’ attention and make them want to keep watching. Whether it’s a clever intro, a surprising twist, or a dramatic reveal, the right hook can make all the difference in whether your video gets noticed and shared or gets lost in the sea of content on TikTok.

What makes a good hook?

The first few seconds of a video are the most important. Put effort into perfecting it. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do the first 2-3 seconds catch your eye?
  • Does it make you want to watch the rest of the video?
  • Does it make you think and/or feel?

If you’re ticking all three boxes. You’ve got a good hook.

If not, we’re going back to the drawing board. A good hook should drive emotion. Human’s buy with emotions and then justify with logic. If you don’t use emotion to sell then you fundamentally don’t understand your customers/clients. Sell them on their pains, fears, wants and needs.

Need some examples? Here’s 101. 

101 Hooks for UGC Content You’ve Not Thought Of Yet

1. I need your opinion on this

2. Unpopular opinion

3. Simple important tip

4. Something you didn’t know

5. This is a reminder to

6. Don’t make this mistake

7. What would you do if

8. Tell me why

9. Help me pick

10. The subtle art of [benefit] 

11. [product] on website vs. real life 

12. [worse alternative] vs. [brand product] 

13. Are you ready to see the best [product]? 

14. This is the best [product] ever and i’ll tell you why 

15. No one can convince me there is a better [product]

16. Trying the viral [product]

17. This is the reason this [brand product] went viral

18. So [brand product] went viral again, here’s why

19. Calling all [target audience]

20. Every [target audience] needs one of these

21. Dear [target audience]: You’ll be glad to know

22. Warning [target audience]: Do not buy this

23. Find out why the [brand product] is a game changer for [target audience]

24. Do not buy this unless you want [benefit]

25. Buy this [product], but only if you want [benefit]

26. This [product] is a cheat code for [benefit]

27. I’m never buying this [product] again

28. This [product] has ruined my life

29. Tell me you’re a [product] owner without telling me you’re a [product] owner

30. Only buy this if you want to get rid of [pain point]

31. Don’t let [worse alternative] make you [pain point]

32. I had no idea how much [product] changed this

33. Tell me another [product] out there that has [unique benefit]

34. If you haven’t tried [brand product], watch this

35. You’ve tried [product] before, but you haven’t tried [brand product] before

36. Someone just told me this?

37. I may be wrong but this product is way better than [worse alternative]

38. It’s never to late to get on the [brand product] hype, here’s 3 reasons why you should.

39. You’ve not heard of [brand product]? Here’s 3 reasons you’re missing out.

40. How this [product] made me a pro [benefit]

41. The [product] that made me

42. If you suffer with [pain point], stop scrolling

43. When you have [product], [pain point] becomes so much easier

44. It’s never been as easy to get [benefit]

45. It’s never been as easy to get rid of [pain point]

46. We all struggle with [pain point], but this [product] can help you

47. I used to struggle with [pain point] until I discovered the [brand product]

48. There has never been a [product] like this

49. So this is why everyone is talking about the [brand product]

50. Everyone is talking about [brand product], so I had to give it a try

How much I made as UGC Creator

51. An honest review of [brand product]

52. There has never been a better [product] at doing [benefit]

53. You better be prepared for [benefit] if you buy this [product]

54. You better be ready to say by to your [pain point] if you buy this [product]

55. Want [benefit]? Stop scrolling

56. Want to prevent [pain point]? Stop scrolling

57. You won’t believe what happens when I use the [brand product]

58. I was shocked when I first used [brand product]

59. I can’t believe this [benefit], because of this [product]

60. I promise you’ve never seen anything like this before

61. I promise this [product] will change your life

62. Can you believe that I used to use a [worse alternative]?

63. Still using a [worse alternative], here are 3 reasons you need to switch to the [brand product]

64. I can’t believe I used to [pain point]

65. Life made: I just found this [product] that has [unique benefit]

66. Are you struggling with [pain point]? You need to get your hands on this [brand product]

67. The do’s and don’ts of [product]

68. This simple trick will save you hours

69. How I got [benefit] in [time frame]

70. How to get rid of [pain point] in [time frame]

71. How you can learn [benefit] in a [time frame]

72. If you want [benefit] by the end of [time frame], then you need this [product]

73. Why [product] makes [benefit] easier

74. Want to make [benefit] easier?

75. Easy [benefit]? Just use this [product]

76. How you can get rid of [pain point] super quick

77. Want [benefit]? This is the fool proof way of getting it

78. I never expected this [product] to be this good

79. This [benefit] was so unexpected

80. What is the point in a [product] that can [unique benefit]?

81. Feeling [emotion]? This [product] can fix that for you

82. Feeling [emotion]? I have a challenge for you to try

83. I have never had a [product] make me feel so [emotion]

84. Get the ultimate [emotional] experience when you use [brand product]

85. Change your routine forever with this [product]

86. This [product] will make your daily routine 10x easier

87. My daily routine has never been the same since I tried [brand product]

88. Take your passion to next level with this [product]

89. Experience the power of [benefit] with the [brand product]

90. The truth about [product]

91. Myths about [product] that need to be put straight

92. We all know someone who could do with [benefit]

93. We all know someone who struggles with [pain point]

94. This is why your [pain point] isn’t working

95. 3 facts about [product]

96. 4 lies about [product]

97. 3 reasons why I love [brand product]

98. 4 reasons why this [brand product] is better than any alternative

99. 3 things you never knew about [product]

100. 5 ways to get [benefit]

101. 3 ways to stop [pain point]

Whether you’re a seasoned UGC content creator or just starting out, we can’t wait to see what you come up with using our hooks for UGC content.

Further reading

Picture of Kirk Axley
Kirk Axley
Max Axley is the founder of The UGC Club. With nearly 10 years of digital marketing experience he set out to create a community that helped UGC creators learn the ropes (without having to spend a penny).