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6 UGC Pitch Email Templates To Land Your Dream Client

UGC Email Templates

When was the last time you sent a UGC pitch email that you just knew was going to work?

As a UGC creator you can get jobs in one of two main ways: inbound and outbound. The prior means building a personal brand and waiting for your dream clients to come to you. But, if you’re impatient, you can take matters into your own hands. Outbound, means  reaching out to those dream brands on your own terms. 

Step one, find dream brands. Check. Step two, find email for dream brands. Check. Step three, email. And now, you need to nail your UGC email template. Luckily, there is a formula for that perfect pitching.

In our UGC pitch email guide, we’ll run through it from A-Z, and show you brand pitch email templates from real creators that will help you land those dream jobs. 

Let’s get it.

What Is A UGC Pitch?

When we’re talking about a UGC pitch we’re talking about an email sent to decision makers at brands or agencies to pitch your services as a UGC creator. It’s short, sweet and to the point. 

Here’s a UGC pitch email example: 

Dear [Brand Name],

I think I might have the answer you need to reach X demographic.

My name is [Your Name] and I am a content creator based in California.

I’ve had a number of your ads for [enter skincare product] land on my feed, and the [enter USP of product here] caught my attention. As a content creator with an extensive background in the beauty space I’ve noticed a couple of obvious tweaks we could make to your ads that could drive this USP home and would at least double your ROAS.

An obvious pain point for [a demographic] is X, and I have a few ideas that could position [brand/product ] as the perfect solution – can I send them over?

Looking forward to chatting,


[Your Name]

[Calendly Link]

How To Find Brand Emails

If you want an answer to your perfect pitch, you’re going to need to knock on the right doors. Yes, you can fire 100 emails off into the abyss of ‘’ but I hate to tell you, they are probably never going to see the light of day.

When it comes to finding contacts for your emails, we’re going to utilize Linkedin.

Find The Decision Maker

If you’re willing to spend $30 a month, Linkedin Sales Navigator will transform your process. You can search any company and filter by function — there you’ll be provided with a lovely list of the marketing department, each with their job titles. If we look at the below example, we can narrow down the SET active team to 11 members on marketing. There you can decide if you want to pitch to their influencer marketing executive, their social media manager or their PR and partnerships manager. All relevant, but will guide your pitch.

 Grab the Decision Maker’s Email

Ok, let’s say we’ve landed on the Influencer Marketing Executive. We’re going to note that she’s only been with the company for 2 months, and use that as an opener in our email. Then, we’re going to use an email scraper tool to grab the email. You can try Wiza is free for the first 10, and then you’re again around $30 per month.

What if I don’t want to spend $30/60 a month?

If you don’t have the budget to invest in outbound tools just yet, you can just get a little more dug in to research. Prior to emailing the generic address, consider reaching out in the Instagram DM’s first. You’re going to send a really short and sweet introductory message, positioning yourself as an expert.

Keep it short, as you’ll be reaching the social media manager that does not care about your life story.

Hi [Brand Name],

My name is [Your Name] and I am a content creator based in California. I’m looking to reach out to your marketing team to discuss how I could potentially help with three-fold your ROAS.

Could you let me know the email of the best person to get in touch with?


[Your Name]

What Your Pitch Should Look Like

A brand pitch email template should be carefully crafted to grab the attention of the brands and convince them to collaborate with you. 

There are several key elements that brand pitch emails should include, from top to bottom:

1. Strong subject line

The subject line of a brand pitch email is possibly more important than the entire thing. It determines whether the email will be opened. A recent Adobe survey found that 75% of all emails never get read. 

A strong subject line should be attention-grabbing, concise, and relevant to the brand and the influencer. It should also be personalized to the brand, rather than using a generic subject line. 

Bad examples:

❌ URGENT: Open Immediately

Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: [Irrelevant Subject]

 ugc opportunity

2. Introduction

The introduction of brand pitch emails should provide a brief overview of who you are and what you do. Keep this short, the brand don’t care about you — they care about what you can do for them.

Highlight a problem they might have: could it be reaching a demographic, highlighting a USP, or just showing more ‘real’ customers in their ads? Check their trust pilot reviews for ideas, or the comments of their ads.

3. Body

The body part of a brand pitch email you send should provide more information about your value proposition. How are you going to solve the problem that you highlighted? 

What to write in the email pitch body:

4. CTA

A call-to-action (CTA) should clearly state what you want the brand to do. 

This could be as simple as responding to the email or setting up a call to discuss the collaboration further. The CTA should be specific, actionable, and easy for the brand’s representative to follow.

5. Closing

The closing of your brand pitch emails should be brief but memorable. 

Think about what’s left in the mind of the business representative after they read your email.

The Do’s and Don’ts of A UGC Pitch Email

We got the idea about what is a brand pitch email and how to create its essential building blocks. Now we are going to look at the examples of what you should do (and avoid!) in each of these parts.

The Do’s

✅ Reach out to brands with a solution

Do your research and only pitch to brands that you will actually be able to bring value to. I see new UGC creators talking time and time again about the 100s of pitches they’ve sent out in a day. Each pitch should be personalized to the brand — what is their problem and how are you the solution. You can’t do that 100 times every day (if you’re doing it properly)

✅ Add a personal visual touch

Your pitch emails should include a visual element, such as a logo or a photo, that represents your personal brand. This will help the recipient of your emails quickly identify who you are and will make your email stand out in their inbox.

✅ Include proof

If you have worked with other brands in the past, be sure to include information about these business collaborations in your pitch email. This will show that you have experience working with other companies and give an idea of the kind of content you can create.

✅ Get a domain

Domains cost buttons, but make you look ten-fold more professional. Rather than emailing a brand from, send it from and suddenly… we look a lot more professional. Pick one up from GoDaddy or similar, and you can also then use it for your UGC portfolio.

The Dont’s

❌ Don’t include your rates in the pitch

It’s always a good idea to establish a relationship with a brand before discussing the moolah. So highlight your skills and the value you can bring to the brand, rather than the financial details. 

You can include your link to your portfolio, your rates will no doubt be on there, so otherwise, don’t reference it.

❌ Don’t tell about everything at once

No one wants to read a long, rambling email. 

Keep your pitch concise and to the point, highlighting the key aspects that make you a good fit for the brand. The person reading your email will be more willing to respond if they quickly understand who you are and what you do.

A pitch email should be carefully crafted to grab the attention of the brands and convince them to collaborate with you, so be sure to give it the time it deserves.

Top UGC Pitch Email Templates

So now let’s gather everything we know about brand pitch emails and see how exactly you can use them. 

These are just the brand pitch email templates to get the ball rolling — don’t hesitate to add a personal touch.

For The Beauty Industry

The beauty industry is saturated, big time.  If you’re going to stand out, you need to be able to talk about the return you’re going to provide the brand. We are not going to be able to provide that guaranteed return with pretty content. Identify the gap in their current strategy, and then lay out your solution.

Hi [Decision Maker Name],

I think I might have the answer you need to reach [X DEMOGRAPHIC].

My name is [YOUR NAME] and I am a content creator from California.

I’ve had a number of your ads for [enter skincare product] land on my feed, and the [ENTER USP/PAIN POINT] caught my attention. As a creator with an extensive background in the beauty space and first hand experience of [PAIN POINT] I’ve noticed a couple of obvious angles we could take that could drive this USP home and increase your ROAS.

I have a few ideas that could position [BRAND/PRODUCT] as the perfect solution – can I send them over?




For The Travel Industry

For the most part, you’re going to be pitching to individual hosts or hoteliers in the industry. The value you can offer them will differ for every individual client. When you’re researching, consider what you bring to the table.

Do they have professional imagery, but are missing the human touch needed to bring them to life on social media? Are they missing lifestyle images, or do they have no organic presence on social media?

You can fill any of these gaps for them, and that’s what you sell.

Hi [Decision Maker Name],

My name is [YOUR NAME] and I’m interested in partnering with [HOTEL NAME].

I am traveling to [CITY OF HOTEL] and I’m interested in creating content to showcase [NAME OF HOTEL] in a light that appeals to the millennial generation. 

Your professional imagery is beautiful, but as an experienced content creator in the travel niche I can see an opportunity to ten-fold your marketing strategy with short-form video content and lifestyle imagery. 

My recent work for [INSERT PREVIOUS CLIENT] resulted in a direct 40% uplift in forward bookings. I’d love to do the same for you.

Can I send you the moodboard I created for [HOTEL NAME]?




For The Fitness Industry

Before you get to pitching for fitness/sports work, really put yourself in the mind of the end target audience. If you’re in peak physical shape, you’re probably best primed to create content that is aspirational. If you’re not in peak physical shape, you’re even more primed to create content that covers the early stages of getting fit. 

Don’t be afraid to reference that in your pitch.

Hi [Decision Maker Name],

I think I might have the answer you need to reach [X DEMOGRAPHIC].

My name is [YOUR NAME] and I am a content creator from California.

Whilst I’m far from peak physical fitness, I’ve had a number of your ads for [enter green powder product] land on my feed, and the [ENTER USP/PAIN POINT] caught my attention. 

As a creator with an extensive background in creating thumb-stopping ads and first hand experience of [PAIN POINT] I’ve noticed a couple of obvious angles we could take to appeal to a new target audience.

I have a few ideas that could position [BRAND/PRODUCT] as the perfect solution to those at the very start of their journey into taking control of their metabolism – can I send them over?




For The Tech Industry

This could be physical tech products, or UGC for apps and digital solutions, but pitching remains largely the same. Tech companies will often have significant budgets, but will look to see evidence of direct returns.

Hi [Decision Maker Name],

Have you considered creating ads that speak to [X DEMOGRAPHIC + PAIN POINT].

My name is [YOUR NAME] and I am a content creator from California.

I’ve had a number of your ads for [PRODUCT] land on my feed, and the [USP] caught my attention. 

As a creator with an extensive background in creating thumb-stopping ads and first hand experience of [PAIN POINT] I’ve noticed a couple of obvious angles we could take to appeal to [DEMOGRAPHIC + PAIN POINT.

I have a few ideas that could position [PRODUCT] as the perfect solution – can I send them over?




Generic Cold Pitch

First and foremost, I don’t recommend this. But, I know many of you are going to want to still send out 100 pitches per day and want a generic pitch that can go to everyone. So, we’re going to come up with a cold pitch that can still sell your services without any specifics. This is a great template to use as a base to build your own from.

Hi [Decision Maker Name],

Are you looking for a cost-effective way to increase your ROAS and boost your organic engagement? I might be your perfect solution.

My name is [YOUR NAME] and I am a content creator from California.

With an extensive background in creating thumb-stopping ads, I have a few ideas about how we can work together. I’d love to chat about where I could fit into your team’s current marketing strategy.

Can we jump on a quick call?




🚀 Ready To Pitch?

Remember, these pitches won’t necessarily work for you, or for the brands you’re pitching to. Each email you send should be tweaked (or overhauled) to be relevant to the decision maker. The more research you do before you hit send, the more likely you are to get a reply. Remember:

Follow the best practices: keep the email short and to the point, and don’t be generic. Happy pitching!

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