Picture the scene. You’ve got a new inbound in your inbox with the subject line ‘Big Brand x Your UGC Name | Potential Monthly Retainer?’ — you gasp. And then, your heart sinks. The email reads ‘Hi UGC creator, I’m interested in speaking about your UGC services. Can we schedule a call this week?’
For creators, UGC client calls can be scary. Frightening, even. But they can also be a chance to skyrocket your income. Not only do calls allow you to better understand your prospective clients’ requirements, but they enable you to position yourself as the solution in the same breadth.
Today, we’re delving into UGC client calls. From the initial preparation to leading the conversation, we’ll guide you through the art of discovery calls. Whether you’re a seasoned professional looking to refine your approach or a newcomer anxious about your first client call, we’ve got you covered.
Do I Need To Get On A Call With A Client?
Short answer, no. But, not all clients will want to move forward if they’ve not been able to speak to you ‘face to face’ first. As you move into the realm of UGC retainers and four figure deals, clients might want a chance to chat through their needs, wants and desires. You are a business, and they expect to be able to talk about your services and processes.
Discovery calls don’t just benefit clients.
Calls are a way for you to get a vibe check on your prospective clients, upsell your services and direct the partnership in the way that you want. When you get on a call and you ask the right questions, you understand what they actually need, and how you can be the solution. That means more $$$$.
UGC calls remove friction and allow you to build a longer and more long lasting relationship with potential clients.
How To Prep For A UGC Client Call
Let’s be real here. You’re going to be somewhat nervous for your first 20 or so UGC client calls.It works on a scale. The first one is going to drive your anxiety through the roof. You’re going to sweat. You’re going to overthink. And then you’re going to come off of the call on an absolute high. Thereafter, every other call gets easier. By your 20th, you realise that UGC calls are not a burden, but an opportunity.
So, how do you make calls 1 through 19 easier?

Being prepped can ensure that nerves and anxiety don’t get in the way of the job at hand. You can be a little nervous, but you need to show up ready to sell. Preparation enables you to do that.
Research The Brand
Prior to the meeting, research the brand thoroughly. Create a document on Google Drive or Notion and look into the brand and their online presence. Write down basic scannable notes of any important points you need to clarify. Look at their current ads using the Facebook Ad Library and be conscious of any obvious errors or gaps. Have an overview of their main competitor and their approach to advertising.
This is a discovery call, so you’re ultimately going to be asking the brand to tell you this info: you don’t need to know it off by heart, but you do need to look for any problems that you can solve.
Prepare Questions
A list of basic questions in your document ensures you have a direction should you lose control on the call. Aside from asking the brand to tell me about the brand and where they feel I could help, I like to ensure I cover:
- Who are you trying to target with this content?
- What are you trying to achieve through your content? What does success look like?
- What are the logistics and deliverables? Do you plan on using these videos for ads, or organic?
Concepts, Creative and Cues
Have topline ideas and an idea of potential creative strategies you could recommend. This is a discovery call and they haven’t paid you, so don’t give them everything. I find that going in with some idea of what direction I would like to move in gives me the confidence I need to speak with conviction.
In your document, have some cues about your process and rates. While you don’t need to rhyme these off unless the brand asks, if they do, it’s better to be prepared.
Have A Wine?
Or don’t. But ultimately, you need to go into your call relaxed. It’s important to connect with the client, and that means striking the balance between personal and professional. It’s easy to freeze up and head into interview mode, but remember, they are ultimately hiring you as a personality. The face of the brand. Relax and treat the call as a conversation.
How To Lead The UGC Call
You are the one offering the service and therefore you want to take control of the call. You are the expert and the brand needs your services. By taking charge, you can make that abundantly clear and you can also get the information you need in order to be able to position yourself as the solution.
Are they struggling to get engagement on their organic content? Great, you have some ideas as to how they could fix that. Unable to effectively increase CTR’s on their meta ads? You’ve looked at their ads they are currently running and you’ve noticed some small tweaks that could potentially make a big difference.
By directing the call, you can essentially direct the partnership.
Have An Outline That You Need To Cover
This isn’t always easy when you start having a conversation, but consider outlining the areas you need to cover by the end of the call. An example of a call outline is as follows:
Goals: Discuss the client’s objectives, whether it’s improving engagement, boosting conversions, or enhancing brand visibility.
Pain Points: Explore the challenges they are currently facing and dig deeper to understand the root causes.
Deliverables: Outline the specific services you can offer to address their pain points and meet their goals.
Timelines: Discuss the projected timeline for project execution and when they can expect to see results.
Guidelines: Share any guidelines or requirements you have for effective collaboration and communication.
Compensation: Address compensation structures, pricing, and terms, ensuring transparency from the outset.
Addressing Client Needs and Concerns
During a UGC brand discovery call, adeptly addressing client needs and concerns is crucial for fostering a positive and productive partnership. By demonstrating your attentiveness, empathy, and ability to provide effective solutions, you can establish trust and set the stage for a collaboration the brand want to get on board with. How to do this?
〰️ Offer Solutions: As the client shares their pain points, be prepared to provide actionable solutions. Whether it’s suggesting content strategies to boost engagement or proposing modifications to improve ad performance, showcasing your problem-solving capabilities reassures clients that you can meet their needs. This is where your research comes in. You already knew their pain points, and you’ve already got some solutions lined up.
〰️ Provide Reassurance: Clients might express doubts or uncertainties about your services. Reassure them by sharing past success stories, case studies, or testimonials. Highlight instances where you’ve helped clients achieve their goals, thereby instilling confidence in your ability to deliver results.
〰️ Be Prepared To Backtrack: You may have jumped on a call thinking you were lining up a 20 video monthly organic retainer, and what the client tells you suggests they actually need an ad testing set. Be ready to recommend a different approach, even if the rate isn’t so appealing.
Managing Time and Setting Expectations
Part of leading a call is being able to close it with next steps. You should never leave a discovery call with a question mark. End your call by closing the deal and confirming you’ll be sending over a contract to get started, or by suggesting you’ll send a proposal and a summary of the call if the client isn’t quite ready to jump on the call.
You’ll quickly realise what works and what doesn’t when it comes to client calls, and you’ll only get better as you do more.