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Best 8 UGC Platforms and How to Pick the Best One in 2024

If you’re wondering whether or not you should start using user-generated content (UGC) platforms to promote your product or service, think about the last few times you really wanted to buy something.

Was it because you saw an ad the company produced?

Or was it because you saw a friend or coworker with it and immediately knew you wanted to get one, too?

Whether we’re talking about a water bottle or a sports car, we’re more likely to buy something when we see a real person (like us!) using and enjoying it. 

That’s the power of UGC.

When we see a video of a real person using a product, our mind goes, “I would like that, too.” It taps into our social instincts to learn from the people around us.

So in this article, we’ll help you find the best UGC platform for your brand by taking a look at some of the top UGC platforms in 2024.

But first–let’s talk through what to pay attention to when you’re checking out UGC websites. There are a few traps you need to watch for!

What factors should you consider when picking a UGC tool?

As you dive into the world of UGC tools, there are SO MANY options.

It can be overwhelming to try to find the right platform. After all, colleagues may have shared horror stories of hidden costs, licensing fiascos, and projects dragging on for months with no progress. 

Thankfully, getting UGC for your brand doesn’t have to be that way. You just need to know what to look for. 


Before you fall in love with any platform, head to their pricing page so you know what you’re getting yourself into. Make sure you check:

  1. Their price per video, and 
  2. What’s included in that price

Not all UGC tools have all the things you’ll need at their listed price. Some places charge extra for licensing, creator fees, and edits. Others also tack on extra fees for every video you buy. 

These extra charges add up over time. And, because UGC campaigns usually involve testing several types of videos before getting it right, it’s a good idea to pay attention to those hidden costs.

After all–you don’t want to blow your entire marketing budget on a few videos and hope the marketing fairies smile upon you and give you one that sells your product, right?

At the same time, you don’t want to buy a bunch of cheap videos that are low-quality and are virtually guaranteed to keep potential customers scrolling. 

The key here is to find affordable videos that don’t compromise on quality.

It’s simple: a pricing page should list the price per video and what that includes: the video, creator payment, edits, or licensing. These details should be included for transparency.

Generally, platforms avoid sharing their prices if they are super expensive and only work with brands that have a few thousand dollars of budget per month minimum. This is especially true if you’re hoping to get user-generated content from influencers. 

Creator vetting process

Once you know a platform fits your budget, it’s time to turn your attention to the quality you can expect to receive from its creators.

One of the easiest ways to do that? Investigate their creator vetting process. 

Ask yourself these questions as you look at their website:

You’ll avoid a LOT of headaches if the platform does the vetting for you. Otherwise, you’ll probably spend a lot of time going back and forth, coaching and prodding creators in order to get a slightly usable video. That’s not fun for you, and it’s not fun for the creators, either. 

Creators’ location

This one is fairly straightforward: make sure the platform you use has creators who are local to your audience. 

If you sell to Americans, why get Australian creators to make user-generated content for you? Your audience might wonder if your product is even available in the US!

Thankfully, this should be pretty easy to check. Look for the so-called “Creator Showcase” pages, where you can see examples of creators and potential videos created by them.

Turnaround time

This one is super important to know upfront–after all, you don’t want to be waiting for weeks (or months) to use your videos! 

To check for this, see if the turnaround time is displayed on their website or reach out to their team.

If it’s not, just know that some agencies and platforms can take weeks or months to deliver UGC videos you can use–and there’s no reason you should have to wait that long!


If you’re new to user-generated content platforms, you may not realize this, but you can easily end up getting videos that aren’t fully licensed or are only licensed for a while. 

This is especially the case with influencers–they might grant you a license for a month, and then after that will email you asking for money. If you’re running a profitable ad, that’s the last thing you want, right? 

To have to stop the campaign because the influencer owns the license or spend $500 more because you didn’t read the fine print? 

To avoid feeling like you got scammed, check if licensing is included in the UGC platform’s prices. If it isn’t, it might be a good idea to find a different one.

Extra Resources

Before you book your first creator, see what else you can find out about the platform:

Okay, now that we’ve covered what to look for on UGC websites, let’s talk about the top UGC platforms out there, so you can find the best fit for you!

What are the best UGC platforms for brands, and what are their pros and cons?

In this section, we’ll cover each of the most popular platforms and why you might or might not want to work with each. Let’s get started!


Clip connects brands with vetted creators who deliver fast, high-quality results. Clip invests in its creators, who receive personalized feedback and training to make sure the content you receive from Clip is optimized for your social media and ad campaigns.



Bottom line: Clip offers high-quality UGC services at competitive prices, with fast turnaround times. Plus, they’re always finding ways to help their creators make their videos even better. If you’re looking for affordable and high-quality UGC software, Clip is a great choice. 

Social Cat

Social Cat is a platform that connects businesses with influencers on Instagram and TikTok. But why is it included here, right? It’s an Influencer Marketing platform. To be fairly honest, a big reason for working with influencers is UGC.

And if you can get affordable UGC from nano and micro-influencers, it’s even better. This is precisely what this platform does, but if you disagree, feel free to skip this one.



Working with influencers might not be the best way to get UGC, but when done right, it can bring a lot of affordable content that can be easily repurposed. It’s just not as straightforward as with purely UGC platforms.


Insense offers several ways to work with influencers: traditional posting on influencers’ accounts, as well as running ads from their creator’s handles. However, they also have an option to purchase UGC from their influencers, which is what we’ll talk about in this article! 



Insense is a good option for you if you have a higher budget and you’re focused on Influencer Marketing. However, their fee structure, contracts, and paid trials mean you have to spend loads of cash before you see any ROI.


Billo offers “made-to-order” UGC content for a wide range of channels. They also offer in-house video editing if you need it.



Billo is a great option for UGC if you are in the United States and can commit to paying $500 to test their platform. However, we recommend reaching out to them to ask about licensing fees before handing over your company credit card– if those aren’t included, the price could be way higher. 


Twirl is focused on delivering high-quality, vetted, and diverse video content–and managing the entire process for you. If you’re looking for a done-for-you, agency-style approach to UGC, Twirl fits the bill. 



Twirl is an agency-style platform that can get you high-quality UGC and has a large pool of diverse creators, which is great. However, the fact that it’s not a self-serve platform means that the price tag is higher, and turnaround times might be longer. 


Trend allows you to create a brief and collect applicants for free–which is nice since many platforms are pay-to-try. Their goal is to build “the most frictionless way for brands to find content creators that match their vision.”



Overall, Trend is a solid option for UGC. However, just remember that the turnaround time is a little bit longer, and the pricing is higher–especially as you get started. 


In addition to having a punny name, BeeRoll has AI-powered storyboarding and editing that can help you splice together clips from creators to create your UGC. 



At first glance, BeeRoll seems like an affordable option. However, if you look at the pricing more closely, you have to wonder: can you still even use the good parts of their service on the lowest price tier?


Influee is an all-in-one UGC video platform with creators from over 23 countries. They also offer post-production options, including an AI-powered video editor.



All in all, Influee is a promising platform, especially if you’re looking for a UGC marketplace outside of the US, UK, or Australia. However, the subscription cost is high, and the price per video is unpredictable.

Summing it up how to choose

At the end of the day, you have to decide what factors are most important to you in a UGC platform for e-commerce. We recommend focusing on the following:

After that, you can pick a platform that best meets your needs. Happy searching!

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