10 Content Creator Tools to Become a Full-Time Creator


Thinking about becoming a full-time content creator can be nerve-wracking. Where are you going to find clients? What video content creator tools do you need to succeed?  Never mind what Aunt Thelma will say when she finds out you’re “Doing that social media thing” for a job.

Don’t worry–that’s why this blog exists. I’m here to help you find your feet in the wobbly UGC industry.

While I can’t answer all your questions about becoming a full-time creator in one article, I can help you solve one big worry today:

What tools do you need to succeed?

After reading this article, you’ll know all the best content creator tools to create quality, professional UGC.

I’ll cover physical content creator tools (hardware) and digital tools (software), so there’s no need to search around for conflicting articles from companies advertising different products! 

And–I’ve designed this article to work for both beginners and more experienced UGC creators–so you’ll find something here no matter where you are in your journey. 😉

Okay, let’s talk tools! 

Physical content creator tools

In this section, we’ll discuss a range of essentials that every full-time creator should have in their arsenal, from cameras to tripods. I’ve even thrown in a bonus tool at the end, so keep reading for that!

A tripod for on-the-go

An on-the-go tripod is especially helpful for creating UGC for travel or outdoor brands, but it’s a must for any content creator, regardless of niche.

Having an on-the-go tripod means you’re always ready to film when you spot b-roll opportunities outside–and including a b-roll is a simple way to level up your UGC. 

You’ll want a tripod that’s small enough to throw in a bag and compatible with smartphones–because you may not want to pack up all your gear just to film a few minutes of footage. 

It’s pretty easy to find tripods on Amazon, and they’re quite affordable–just make sure you check the reviews and get a higher-quality travel tripod if you can. The last thing you want is for the tripod to break during a shoot. 

A tripod for filming in the house

I separated these because you’ll usually want a sturdier tripod for filming in the house. It won’t be as easy to carry with you when you go places, but your videos will be stable and easy to watch–plus, you’ll have your hands free! 

The same approach here–get a tripod that’s compatible with phones and professional cameras–you want options when it’s time to film! 

Again, prices vary but invest in the best quality you can. You’ll need a tripod for a long time, so pick something that will last. 

Filming lights

Ideally, you’ll use natural light for your videos. But if you’re filming constantly, the weather isn’t always going to cooperate.

That’s why you NEED a set of lights if you’re serious about becoming a full-time content creator. They’re a must for creating warm, glowy light that makes you and your videos shine.

Good-quality lights are expensive, but don’t cheap out on them–if you do, you’ll see it in your finished videos. Although they’re pricey, these lights from Neewer are a great option. 

Also, remember to buy a set of batteries for the lights. If you travel and need to take your lighting with you, having a set of batteries will make it much easier to use.


Videos take a lot of internal memory, so using your computer or smartphone’s internal hard drive isn’t ideal most of the time. Instead, grab some external storage for your computer (4 gigabytes should do the trick) and some on-the-go storage for your smartphone.

You won’t use these often, but you’ll be happy you got them as your content library grows over time. 

Plus, they’re not expensive–just check the reviews and pick one up! 

Portable power banks for smartphones and cameras

You’re probably familiar with these and why you’ll need them by now–batteries drain fast when you’re filming. Having a power bank means you’ll never have to stop filming if a session goes long or you forget to charge your batteries.

Get a super portable one for filming away from home, and you’ll be all set. Honestly–you’re going to LOVE having one of these! 

Again, these are affordable, so look at reviews online and find one that works for you. 

Bonus: Professional camera or smartphone camera

Okay, duh! I almost didn’t even put this one on the list because it’s SO obvious, but I did want to point one thing out:

A smartphone camera is MORE THAN ENOUGH to film UGC videos. You don’t need a super professional camera–you can film most jobs with the latest smartphones. 

I’m talking about the latest ones, like the iPhone 14 PRO Max or the latest Samsung models–so if you need an excuse to upgrade, blame me! Older phones don’t cut it. 

While we’re talking about smartphones, let me share a pro tip: When you start filming with your smartphone camera, you won’t believe how easily the camera gets dirty from being carried around with you all day. So before you start filming, be sure to clean the camera super well. It’s a small thing, but it’ll make a huge difference in the quality of your videos. 

Okay, I believe that’s it for the physical content creator tools–the hardware. If I’ve missed something, let me know in the comments!

Oh, and once you’ve grabbed all this stuff, buy yourself a fancy bag for your creator gear. You deserve it! 👜

Digital content creator tools

Now that we’ve covered the physical tools you need as a content creator let’s talk about the digital tools you’ll need. Again, there’s no particular order for these, and I’ve included a bonus tool at the end! 


Considering how much you can spend on things like Netflix or Hulu, Canva seems like a STEAL! It depends on where you live, but it’s around $10 per month, enabling you to make ALL the graphics you’ll need as a content creator.

We’re talking cover pictures, portfolios, rate cards, media kits… And that’s just the beginning.

Once you have it, you’ll probably see a lot of uses for it! 

You can also do basic video editing with it, but it’s quite limited and raw in general. Don’t worry; later in this section, we’ll recommend a couple of other tools you can use to edit videos.

Adobe Lightroom


Oh wait–you did when you said you wanted to be a professional content creator! Remember that? 😉

If you’re just starting out, I will go against the grain and say I don’t recommend getting the entire Adobe suite. If you’ve been at this a while and want to learn some more advanced tools like Adobe Premier Pro, that’s cool. But you have enough to learn if you’re just starting out with UGC.

Adobe Lightroom can be intimidating at first, but take it slow, and you’ll be using it like a pro in no time. You’ll be amazed at how professional it makes your content look. It’s especially helpful if you do UGC photography because its image editing capabilities are top-notch. You can also use it to touch up raw UGC videos.

Adobe Lightroom is a powerhouse for editing photos and videos–it’s the only tool you’ll need, and you don’t even need to learn all of its features for UGC.

And yes–it is expensive, so if you want to put off buying it for a few months, that’s okay. Just know that eventually, you’ll need it to level up your craft.

WeTransfer or Google Drive

Okay, so this one depends on how you find your customers. Most UGC platforms have content libraries where you can upload the content, making having a content distribution solution unnecessary. 

But at some point (for example, if you find clients on Fiverr), you’ll probably need a solution for uploading and sending the content to them–you can’t just message them on Fiverr. The file would be too compressed.

That’s where a file storage and transfer system comes in. It’ll probably be easier for you to use Google Drive because it’s free, but WeTransfer is a little nicer because it’s a custom solution-worth it if you’re using it a lot. 

Banking tools

What you choose might depend on where you live, but you need a… How do I put this nicely? You need a MODERN bank to help you automate payments and create automatic invoices.

Ideally, you’ll want to keep this separate from your regular accounts–having that separation makes it much easier to track how much you’re making, how much you owe in taxes, etc.

If you’re in the UK, Monzo Business or Revolut are great options. If you’re in the US or AU, check for alternatives that provide the same services.

And–prices vary depending on where you live, but you shouldn’t have to pay much for a business account.

CapCut Premium

If your clients ask for subtitles or captions, this app is all you need–just make sure you pay for the premium version! 

You can even edit with it *a bit*, so if you’re waiting to get Adobe Lightroom, this CapCut can save you money. 

Besides captions, CapCut also lets you add music and audio to your videos–how cool is that?

This one’s worth the investment. And at $6 per month, it won’t break the bank.

Bonus: Veed

Veed is a video editing tool that requires very little learning. This one isn’t necessary, but I decided to mention it because it’s really good for content creators and simple tasks. With Veed, you can sign up and start editing videos in minutes, so if you’re intimidated by Adobe, it’s a great option.

Veed allows you to:

  • Mix videos
  • Add subtitles
  • Use stock music
  • Add emoji
  • And a few other basic options

Be warned: It CAN be clunky, but it usually does the job. And you only really need the basic subscription.

And there you have it! The digital content creator tools you’ll need to go full-time! What do you use that I missed? Let me know if you think we should include it in the comments!

Final thoughts

You’ll be golden if you use the content creator tools I’ve covered in this article. 🥇

How do I know? Well, aside from my own experience, I got many of these recommendations from a full-time content creator, Alison McFarland. So, I’m pretty sure that these are what you need to take your passion for content creation to the next level.

However, I’m open to suggestions! What tools do you use that I should have included on this list? I’d love to hear about them.

Oh! I’m writing an article soon about the best cameras for UGC creators, so if that interests you, be sure to check back! 

Further reading

Picture of Kirk Axley
Kirk Axley
Max Axley is the founder of The UGC Club. With nearly 10 years of digital marketing experience he set out to create a community that helped UGC creators learn the ropes (without having to spend a penny).

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